
Key Insights from Noria’s PARIS Superuser Seminar

By: Noria, 5. February 2025

Almost 40 superusers attended Noria’s seminar in September to learn “what’s new”, meet peers, and hear about the future of PARIS, our core insurance system.

In a pre-seminar survey, the superusers asked for a combination of information from Noria in plenum and opportunity for moderated discussions with peers. This was exactly how the agenda was set, including a dinner at the end of day one where attendees could socialise with their peers.

For the moderated discussions, PARIS superusers broke up into different groups to discuss insurer policy administration, broker policy administration, claims, accounting/payments, and reports. In plenum, we conducted a deeper walkthrough of recent changes as well as a roadmap for the coming years. Looking ahead, we also discussed how we are integrating the latest trends including connected insurance, AI, analytics, and self-service.

The insightful discussions helped generate new ideas for improvements to the PARIS system and across the organisations. Superusers are typically very advanced users of the system who are often tasked with using PARIS to solve complex business problems. Our survey discovered that 65% of users nominated PARIS as very important in their function, with people spending over 50% of their time using the system.

In other words, using PARIS comprises over half of their working life, which is why Noria is making it a priority to listen to our superusers carefully and improve the offering based on their feedback.

Below, we share three key takeaways from the event.

Embrace the simplification trend and complete the transition to WebUI

Even though PARIS must be capable of solving complex problems and powering mission-critical daily operations, superusers are requesting that the user experience (UX) is made simpler for less experienced users and other roles in the organisation. For example, a simpler interface will enable an underwriter or broker to retrieve or enter information themselves, instead of referring the task to their administrator.

Noria’s Chief Customer Officer, Lars Ola Rambøl, says that superusers in various roles shared information on how they work and found common ground and interests in simplifying the user interface to enable different ways of working. “The key is how the system can better support working in new ways across different roles by reducing usability thresholds and increasing efficiency,” he says.

Superusers are also keen to have all of PARIS available on the Web. Noria is currently completing the transition to help ensure seamless, end-to-end policy life cycle management for our customers.

Automate and facilitate smoother information exchange

Many of the discussions in the sessions were about how to automate manual steps. Superusers shared tips and tricks that can be performed within the current system, while other automation requests will require system upgrades.

A hot topic was how to avoid exchanging “electronic paper”; that is, emailing PDFs that will be re-entered again by someone else.

“We are working to enable our users to take the leap from basic digitisation of documents to end-to-end digital transformation”, says Lars Ola. “This means finding ways to become much more efficient, such as a broker and underwriter exchanging information within the system rather than exporting and emailing PDFs to each other”.

Noria will host the event again in 2024

We are delighted to report that our superuser attendees are eager for another session in 2024. Our survey revealed high satisfaction, with 100% of attendees asking for a repeat session. Stay tuned for the announcement of another event in 2024!

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